01 A 01 A: What worries Californians most? B: Concern __________ grown over the possible effects of a large-scale earthquake in the area. (A) has (B) it has (C) they have (D) it is 02 D 01 A: What happened in the meeting today? B: The administration __________ urged the lawmakers to pass a law requiring all passengers of motor vehicles driven in the city to wear seat belts. (A) it (B) they (C) we (D) O 03 D 01 A: Why doesn't John quit work and go back to school? B: He's worried that he won't __________ to pay the rent. (A) able (B) is able (C) are able (D) be able 04 B 01 A: When was Cairo University founded? B: __________founded in 1925. (A) It is (B) It was (C) It were (D) It 05 A 01 A: We're so disorganized. What can we do? B: We should __________ to a routine. (A) adhere (B) adhered (C) adhering (D) O 06 D 01 A: Why isn't John helping you? B: He claimed he _________ too busy. (A) were (B) is (C) am (D) was 07 C 01 A: Do you really think we can protect the park from continued deterioration? B: We have to do it, even if it __________ raising fees and sometimes closing the gates because of overcrowding. (A) meaning (B) is (C) means (D) was 08 B 01 A: Do you think I can catch Tom at home? B: Yes you can but, you'll have to __________ early in the morning because he leaves at 7 a.m. to go to work. (A) got up (B) get up (C) getting up (D) O 09 B 01 A: Were the any surprises on the reading test results? B: Yes. Tenth graders __________ continuing to score higher than the national average. (A) is (B) are (C) am (D) O 10 C 01 A: That bed is pretty hard. Did you get any sleep? B: Yes. I managed to fall asleep because I _________ so tired. (A) is (B) are (C) was (D) O 11 D 02 A: Why were so many people injured in the fire? B: Most of the injured were __________ trampled or crushed when the spectators raced for the exits. (A) been (B) being (C) was (D) O 12 B 02 A: How did the Board make out in the meeting? B: They __________ the committee they were wrong. (A) did convinced (B) convinced (C) were convinced (D) O 13 C 02 A: You look tired. What happened? B: I was was forced __________ through the fog to interview the union leader. (A) drive (B) driving (C) to drive (D) O 14 D 02 A: Why don't rabbits get hurt when they run through thorns? B: They have thick skins which __________ them. (A) are protect (B) protecting (C) are protect (D) protect 15 C 02 A: Are there any good ways for immigrants to break the ice in their new cities? B: Music is one way they can __________ themselves into the cultural activities of the community. (A) be assimilate (B) assimilating (C) assimilate (D) assmilated 16 D 02 A: The cure for cancer has not been found yet. B: Also, the incidence of the disease __________ increasing. (A) is being (B) being (C) are being (D) is 17 D 02 A: My carpenter charge me a lot of money to build my garage. B: A lot of service personel like __________ plumbers and repairmen charge high prices. (A) being (B) suchas (C) therefore (D) O 18 D 02 A: Why isn't Bill here for supper? B: He was so tired that he ________ collapsed. (A) was (B) is (C) are (D) O 19 C 02 A: Why does Tokyo look newer than New York? B: Because of fires, earthquakes, and war destruction, much less __________ of old Tokyo than of old New York. (A) is remains (B) is remaining (C) remains (D) remained 20 A 02 A: Did you buy the house without even seeing it? B: Of course not. We all __________ a look before we agreed to buy it. (A) took (B) had took (C) taking (D) had taking 21 A 03 A: My music book is in rough shape. B: So is mine. It __________three torn pages. (A) has (B) is having (C) was having (D) O 22 B 03 A: It sure is dry here. B: Yeah, it hardly ever __________ in summer. (A) is raining (B) rains (C) did rain (D) O 23 A 03 A: I hate using pesticides, but I don't know of another way to get rid of the bugs in my garden. B: They can best __________ controlled by destroying their breeding grounds. (A) be (B) have been (C) been (D) O 24 D 03 A: Do you remember any really long protests from your days in college? B: Yes, the student protests that __________ erupted first in 1968 continued throughout the decade. (A) has (B) have (C) erupting (D) O 25 C 03 A labor survey revealed that less than 4 or 5 percent of the labor force __________ doing its work at home last year. (A) is (B) are (C) was (D) were 26 D 03 A: What was the voters' attitude toward the political system after the war? B: It tended to be less complacent than it __________ been in the past. (A) has (B) is (C) was (D) had 27 C 03 A: What exactly are you looking for? B: We're looking for software that we can adopt and __________ immediately to our own accounting procedures. (A) applied (B) be applied (C) apply (D) applying 28 D 03 A: What would you say has been the most important benefit of improved health standards and preventive medicine? B: Well, they have __________ forced a decline in the world's death rate. (A) been (B) being (C) done (D) O 29 B 03 When the printing press was invented, the price of books decreased and more people __________ access to knowledge once restricted to the learned few. (A) have (B) had (C) has (D) having 30 A 03 A: How did you ever find the entrance to the cave? B: Workmen __________ debris away from the cave entrance when they suddenly found it. (A) were brushing (B) brushed (C) are brushing (D) brushing